Wide range of audio processors, developed with C.
Their main features are:
- Ethernet controlled: TCP / IP stack, with several more advanced protocols like multicast, mDNS and Bonjour.
- Real-Time Audio over IP streaming and control: proprietary protocol over multicast IP and standard AES-67.
- Internally, several communication buses allow to communicate between the different peripherals and with the outside:
- I2C
- I2S
- Ethernet
- Wide range of peripherals:
- ROM serial memories
- RAM parallel memories
- LCD screens
- DSPs
- Audio CoDecs
- Ethernet switches
- TDD development, using Unity and CMock.
- Use of mini-PC (Raspberry PI like) for high-performing tasks and data process.
Several microcontroller families:
- Kinetis ARM
- ColdFire
- PIC32
And finally, controlling application developed in C++:
- Development with Qt Framework.
- Crossplatform PC and MAC
- Ports to iOS and Android
And this is my usual setup of my desktop 🙂

Of course, I have experience with the use of lab equipment:
- Oscilloscopes
- Signal generators
- Bus Analysers (Saleae Logic)